8 Quotes & Sayings By Stanislav Grof

Stanislav Grof is one of the most important figures among the founders of transpersonal psychology. His life and the development of his ideas are described in his book, The Adventure of Self-Discovery, which was translated into many languages, including Japanese. He was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He moved to New York in 1963 where he continued his training at the University of Chicago and Columbia University Read more

In 1968 he received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in American studies and in 1970 he received a Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology at the C.

G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland where he spent two years studying under Professors C. G.

Jung and Jolande Jacobi. In 1976 he joined the faculty at the New York State Psychiatric Institute in Manhattan as a clinical associate professor of psychiatry and in 1980 he became a full professor there in the department of clinical psychiatry and a fellow of the Institute for Applied and Integrative Psychology in New York City.

He suddenly understood the message of so many spiritual teachers that the only revolution that can work is the inner transformation of every human being. Stanislav Grof
In the kind of world we have today, transformation of humanity might well be our only real hope for survival. Stanislav Grof
Each of us can manifest the properties of a field of consciousness that transcends space, time, and linear causality. Stanislav Grof
There is no fundamental difference between the preparation for death and the practice of dying, and spiritual practice leading to enlightenment. Stanislav Grof
Dying before dying has two important consequences: It liberates the individual from the fear of death and influences the actual experience of dying at the time of biological demise. Stanislav Grof
The experiences associated with death were seen as visits to important dimensions of reality that deserved to be experienced, studied, and carefully mapped. Stanislav Grof
I read Freud's Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis in basically one sitting. I decided to enroll in medical school. It was almost like a conversion experience. Stanislav Grof